Visit to UK from 21st Sep-29th Sep 2015


nternational Cultural Exchange Programme allow students to interact with and learn from people of diverse cultural backgrounds and to develop positive relationships with others, understand a broader range of perspectives and develop the knowledge and skills needed for participation in our multicultural society. With this aim our school planned a visit to UK from 21st Sep-29th Sep 2015 motivated by our Principal Dr AnjuTandon. The goal was to expose students to British culture, history and education system. It was a home stay programme so prior to the visit students’ interaction with host families was organised through Skype, Email and other social networking sites. This developed familiarity between our students and host families. To make students accustomed to British culture, various sessions were taken by the Co-ordinator of the programme Mrs AradhanaGambhirwherein they were told about the norms of British Dining, Dress and Conversation. Students were told about various self care tips. These sessions made our students feel confident in our new family. They were also explained about the objectives of the tour by Principal Dr. AnjuTandon.

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